RGH's Blog

This is my first attempt at blogging. Today, inspiration to write and share information shot through my mind like a rocket. Racing home, I commenced this process. My hope is to create value for you and me.


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Hillary vs MSNBC

Apparently, Hillary is rightfully upset about derogatory comments that an MSNBC reporter made regarding her daughter Chelsea. I know if someone said that about my daughter I would be upset. The kicker is that she wants to pull out of the scheduled debate between her and Obama that is supposed to be on that network!

Are you kidding me? Yes, she deserves an apology. Yes, the anchor should be suspended. Yes, Mrs. Clinton you should be outraged. I don't think pulling out of the debate is the best thing to do because once again, the American people will suffer because they won't get to see how Mrs. Clinton will fare against Mr. Obama one on one against each other.

Debates are set up so that we can have an educated electorate. I think its a responsibility for those running for office to educate the American electorate so that we can make the best decision. I'm always suspicious of a politician who ducks a debate. Aren't you? Doesn't it reek of someone who is weak, afraid and wants to avoid a fight? Wouldn't the classy move be to show up at the debate, demand an apology on air from MSNBC (or simply ignore the situation) and bring the fight to Obama.

C'mon Hillary, show us how you can be above the fold, be Presidential, be strong, and kick some butt! Don't fight dirty.



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