RGH's Blog

This is my first attempt at blogging. Today, inspiration to write and share information shot through my mind like a rocket. Racing home, I commenced this process. My hope is to create value for you and me.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Customer Service snafus

Potentially stormy greetings:

Four great stories that I have heard in the last few days:

1) A consultant told me that he was given a notepad by a printer promoting themselves. The problem was that the printer's phone number and address were missing from the notepad.

2) An ad was placed with the wrong toll free number. (The company had to go out and get the toll free number that they erroneously printed.)

3) A friend refinanced their mortgage with the same company but different divisions of the company. It took him five phone calls, one hour on hold, two people saying that it wasn't their problem, and two battles with automated voices before finally resolving the issue.

4) A company invented the perfect dog food. Rich in nutrients and cheaper then the competitors. The problem: Dogs didn't like it.

Just thought I'd share these with you. Mistakes can sometimes happen. Even the best do it. It's how you recover that is important.

POP QUIZ TIME: What was the character Skipper's (From Gilligan's Island) first and last name on the show? We are looking for the character's first and last name not the actor's.

Anwer will be posted in a future blog! Hint: It can be found in a prior blog as well!

Have a fruitful day!



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