RGH's Blog

This is my first attempt at blogging. Today, inspiration to write and share information shot through my mind like a rocket. Racing home, I commenced this process. My hope is to create value for you and me.


Sunday, September 11, 2005

How I spent 9/11/2005

Greetings on this day of remembrance:

Last night, I fell asleep underneath the September sky. The stars in heaven were twinkling as I drifted off to sleep. This morning I awoke, my family near me and safe. I knew what day it was though. We went to the lodge for breakfast with some friends. My friend commented that camping had relaxed him so much that he had forgotten that it was September 11.

Four years ago was the day of terror that so many American's will never forget. I can't forget being at the airport trying to figure out what was going on. Running around getting people out. Trying to decipher fact from fiction. Trying to save a business. My family wanting me to be home with them while I was just trying to do my job. Finally, coming home and getting a chance to watch the horrific things that transpired that day.

Today, all was calm. We were on canoes and kayaks this morning without a care in the world. Tonight, I will fall asleep in my own bed. Safe.

It was a scary day four years ago. Confusion and Chaos reigned. Today, I sense that America is better and stronger than it was four years ago. We will not let our freedoms disappear and I know that we will not let those who try to terrorize have the upper hand.

Work your businesses extra hard this week. Love your friends and family even harder. Let's show those sob terrorists that they will not and can not win.

Have a fruitful day,



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