RGH's Blog

This is my first attempt at blogging. Today, inspiration to write and share information shot through my mind like a rocket. Racing home, I commenced this process. My hope is to create value for you and me.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fallen Heros

Pete Rose
Bob Knight
Roger Clemens
Kelvin Sampson

The list goes on regarding sports figures who one looks up to. They then let you down. Makes you wonder who you should be cheering for. Who have been your disappointments?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Where's the Buffalo?

When we drove out to South Dakota, a couple of years ago, we really wanted to see some buffalo / bison! I thought for sure that they would be in abundance. After all, wasn't I where the buffalo roam? I guess I was wrong.

For the two days that it took to drive out there, we looked. Surely, we'd see some buffalo. They have to be around here somewhere. Wait was that a buffalo, I'd think. No just another prairie dog.

We finally arrived in Rapid City. No buffalo here. Maybe they went away for the weekend like we did?

We went to Mount Rushmore. No buffalo. The President's weren't talking either.

Where, oh where did the buffalo go?

Towards the end of the trip, we drove into Custer State Park. By the way, I thought driving to South Dakota was long. Finally, we get into the park and we see them! BUFFALO! They had all gone to Custer State Park for the weekend!

I was so excited. I stopped the car and got the kids out. This is so cool. Hey kids, look at the Buffalo! Hey kids, the Buffalo are so close to us. NO, I don't mind. Go out into the field with the Buffalo. Yes they look cute. Yes, feel free to ride the.... OK maybe not a good idea. Don't ride the buffalo.... Let's get back into the car.

That was fun! We got to see Buffalo. "You don't get to see that in the city, right honey?," I said to my lovely wife.

We drove into the park. Buffalo were coming up to the car. They put their head right against the window. Man this is awesome!

We went panning for gold with the kids. It's a park ranger program. You don't get to keep any gold you get. I guess the park rangers need to make some money, too. (I'm kidding.)

Anyway, I'm talking to a wonderful Park Ranger and she told me "If you see any Buffalo, let us know! We'll clear the area! They are really dangerous! Yesterday, they rammed a car!"

Hmmm...... Guess we got lucky. Didn't think about that. Not one of my brightest moves and it made me think. Be careful what you wish for! You just might get it.

Have a fruitul day!


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bob Knight on Graduating Players

According to today's Indianapolis Star, Coach Bob Knight was on Jay Leno last night. This is what he said on graduating players:

On his players’ academic success: “I think we probably had the highest graduation rate of anybody,” Knight said. “I wanted (my players) to be afraid not to graduate.” He wanted his players to think, ‘Hey, he might not renew our scholarship.’ … I think that when I take your son, I want you to feel after four years that it’s been worthwhile. I want you to be able to say, ‘Hey, thanks for what you’ve done.’ I think the major responsibility that any college coach has who recruits kids is to see that those kids graduate. I mean, why else are they there?”

For all the reasons, people dislike Coach Knight, this is a big reason he is beloved.

Have a fruitful day,


PS The photo is from the summer and thought it might be nice to post something that reminded me of warmer times instead of how we are all freezing up in Buffalo.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

How do you see life?

The question today, in The Purpose Driven Life, is "How do you see life?" They suggest you see life as a trust and a test. I understand that.

Even if I don't see life the same way, I do see Valentines Day coming up. I'd better start cracking or I'll be facing a real test to a trust! :)

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Weekend campout

The Y-Indian Guides Potawotomi Tribe of Oak Park had a fantastic time this weekend up at Camp MacLean. We placed first in the sled decoration and second in tribal cheer. Not to bad.

Everybody had a great time. The tobogan run was fast. Played some fierce broom ball. The boys had snowball fights and played pokemon. Some did crafts and we all listened to stories at night.

I think the best part is the one on one time that a father spends with his son at these things. It is a great opportunity to bond with each other and learn. One thing, I know is that everyone was tired.

Have a fruitful day,


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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Hillary vs MSNBC

Apparently, Hillary is rightfully upset about derogatory comments that an MSNBC reporter made regarding her daughter Chelsea. I know if someone said that about my daughter I would be upset. The kicker is that she wants to pull out of the scheduled debate between her and Obama that is supposed to be on that network!

Are you kidding me? Yes, she deserves an apology. Yes, the anchor should be suspended. Yes, Mrs. Clinton you should be outraged. I don't think pulling out of the debate is the best thing to do because once again, the American people will suffer because they won't get to see how Mrs. Clinton will fare against Mr. Obama one on one against each other.

Debates are set up so that we can have an educated electorate. I think its a responsibility for those running for office to educate the American electorate so that we can make the best decision. I'm always suspicious of a politician who ducks a debate. Aren't you? Doesn't it reek of someone who is weak, afraid and wants to avoid a fight? Wouldn't the classy move be to show up at the debate, demand an apology on air from MSNBC (or simply ignore the situation) and bring the fight to Obama.

C'mon Hillary, show us how you can be above the fold, be Presidential, be strong, and kick some butt! Don't fight dirty.


Thursday, February 07, 2008

Brokered Convention

Just thought I'd toss you a tidbit about what Howard Dean thinks of a brokered Democratic Convention.

(Click on title or Democratic Convention)

It sounds like a great idea to me. Back room politics at its best. As romantic as the West Wing. :)

Let's be fruitful today!



Happy New Year

Happy Chinese New Year! 4706 begins today and it is the year of the Rat! "Chinese months are reckoned by the lunar calendar, with each month beginning on the darkest day. New Year festivities traditionally start on the first day of the month and continue until the fifteenth, when the moon is brightest. In China, people may take weeks of holiday from work to prepare for and celebrate the New Year," according to Holly Smith at the website www.infoplease.com. (There should be a link in the title.)

Speaking of Rats, yes I am a proud Rat as well. According to Buddha, I have some of the characteristics. I'm hoping they are the good ones like quick-witted and charming. However, I've been noticing my nose twitches quite a bit and I love cheese.

Day 2 of the Purpose Driven Life. My life was not an accident. There is a plan. It's pretty humbling knowing that but it is also somewhat tough to believe. I struggle with this one because I am more of a believer of "If its going to be it's up to me." The objectivism that Ayn Rand teaches in Atlas Shrugged is more my style. Each person should be valued by the productive outputs they provide society. However, that could be the purpose, I suppose. Anyway, something to ponder.

Have a fruitful day,



Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Tuesday - What a week!

From the Big Game on Sunday, (Sorry for not mentioning it by name but I don't want the league to go after me for trademark infringements! :D ), to Bob Knight Retiring, to Mardi Gras, and to Super Tuesday, what an entertaining week this is! It's not even over....

The Democrats are in a virtual tie. You have the old establishment versus the new and exciting way. Which will give? In Wrestling, this would be the immovable object vs the irresistible force. Lots of people are hoping this goes all the way to the convention.

On the GOP side, McCain is taking a commanding lead. Huckabee controls the South. Romney is holding on for dear life. Who knows what kind of deals are being made? Can anyone say McCain Huckabee ticket?

Mardi Gras last night! Wow! The house is cleaned up and we are planning next years party.

On to the Lenten journey that I make each year. (Some are better than others.) This year I'm going to read the Purpose Driven Life. We'll see what it's all about. First day, I've learned its all about the Big Man not about me. Hmmm. Ok. No fireworks or revelation yet. In Rotary, there's a motto that states "He who serves most, profits most." Wait a second.... Don't tell me that there's some truth and that rich business people have discovered this truth long ago...

Maybe I have to dwell on this a little more.

Anyway, it's been a long time posting. We'll see how it goes. I'm out of here.


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Mardi Gras

It's Fat Tuesday and the closing moments of Mardi Gras! The Jambalaya is gone, Hurricane's are drunk, and the King cake is eaten.

What are you doing for the Lenten season?

I am going to read the Purpose Driven Life.

Bob Knight Retires

Coach Bob Knight retired yesterday from Texas Tech. As a proud IU alum, people have asked me what I think. First of all, I have a lot of respect for Coach Knight. He is a great coach if not the greatest coach of all time. Sure he had his issues but he also did a lot of good. He graduated his players, made them into better men, ran a clean program, gave back to the University and usually won at least 20 games a year.

He will be missed but since he left IU I haven't followed him as much. Kind of funny how that happens. I guess that's part of life after college and growing up.

Am I surprised that he quit mid-season? It seems a bit odd to me. Hopefully, there's not more to the story than what is being said. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if more comes out. I do know that he had planned on turning the reins over to his son so it's not like Texas Tech is in a lurch. It looks like he just left on his own terms.

Good luck, Coach Knight and thank you for the memories. Thank you also for signing a book for me and helping teach me a little about life. I will miss you.