Where's the Buffalo?

For the two days that it took to drive out there, we looked. Surely, we'd see some buffalo. They have to be around here somewhere. Wait was that a buffalo, I'd think. No just another prairie dog.
We finally arrived in Rapid City. No buffalo here. Maybe they went away for the weekend like we did?
We went to Mount Rushmore. No buffalo. The President's weren't talking either.
Where, oh where did the buffalo go?
Towards the end of the trip, we drove into Custer State Park. By the way, I thought driving to South Dakota was long. Finally, we get into the park and we see them! BUFFALO! They had all gone to Custer State Park for the weekend!
I was so excited. I stopped the car and got the kids out. This is so cool. Hey kids, look at the Buffalo! Hey kids, the Buffalo are so close to us. NO, I don't mind. Go out into the field with the Buffalo. Yes they look cute. Yes, feel free to ride the.... OK maybe not a good idea. Don't ride the buffalo.... Let's get back into the car.
That was fun! We got to see Buffalo. "You don't get to see that in the city, right honey?," I said to my lovely wife.
We drove into the park. Buffalo were coming up to the car. They put their head right against the window. Man this is awesome!
We went panning for gold with the kids. It's a park ranger program. You don't get to keep any gold you get. I guess the park rangers need to make some money, too. (I'm kidding.)
Anyway, I'm talking to a wonderful Park Ranger and she told me "If you see any Buffalo, let us know! We'll clear the area! They are really dangerous! Yesterday, they rammed a car!"
Hmmm...... Guess we got lucky. Didn't think about that. Not one of my brightest moves and it made me think. Be careful what you wish for! You just might get it.
Have a fruitul day!
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